VOTE! in 2021
The citizens of Worthington vote in admirably high numbers (≈ 75-80+%) when it comes to choosing our state and national elected officials (in even years). But when it comes to voting for our local…
Continue ReadingThe citizens of Worthington vote in admirably high numbers (≈ 75-80+%) when it comes to choosing our state and national elected officials (in even years). But when it comes to voting for our local…
Continue ReadingA couple of quick notes follow regarding City finances. The upshot is that both short term performance and long-term outlook remain strong.*
At summer’s end, 8.31.21, year to date (YTD) income tax…
Continue ReadingAt Council last night, our Finance Department shared a report with upbeat numbers for the City’s financial performance at mid-year (6.30.21). Here’s a few highlights:*
What's the latest with City Finances? Two important issues were discussed at last week’s Council meeting: record-high revenues in May, and increased costs for picking up your…
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