To Inform, Provoke, Dispel, and Inspire—Ideas and actions for life in Worthington, Ohio
Ideas, Actions, People, and Commentary in the City of Worthington

Post Category: ‘City Identity’

“Everybody can garden,” Mr. Clarke said. “It’s something that’s intrinsic.” Prestigious Rose Breeder Names Its New Bloom for a Black Gardener…

I read an uplifting article yesterday about an extraordinary man, Mr. Danny (Dannahue) Clarke, known to his social media followers and BBC viewers in Britain as the Black Gardener.  He is on a…

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Sense of Place and the Power of Uniqueness—Worthington’s Greatest Asset

Community planner and educator Ed McMahon begins his talk with a single image (above) and a simple question:

“Where is this?… Is that Albany, Allentown, is that Providence, Pittsburgh, is that…

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