The Community Goes to the Park, the Park Makes the Community.

Public spaces, freely available to one and all, make real our nation’s commitment to egalitarianism. Such places have not always existed, and we should not take them for granted. A recent article about parks, inspired by the Trust for Public Lands annual ParkScore report, added another layer to my appreciation of what parks can do for a community. The Power of Parks to Strengthen Community, is the title of the Trust’s report, and I encourage you to check out the related article, Successful Parks Make Diverse Communities Feel Safe and Welcome, that broadens this theme.
Relatedly, I recently wrote about public pools, a topic of immediate relevance to Worthington, in an earlier post, “Swimming, public pools, social infrastructure and public health. And what my mother gave me.”
Lastly, can you imagine the Short North without Goodale, or German Village without Schiller? The community goes to the park, and the park makes the community.
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