News Flash: Smith ahead by one vote in Official Results (mandatory recount in ten days)

Following the counting of provisional and additional absentee ballots,* the Official Results for the third City Council seat being elected this year are: Doug Smith with 1,497 votes, and both Doug Foust and Seth Kraut with 1,496 votes.
A mandatory recount will take place in ≈ 10 days. A prior blog post explains the process:
The Franklin County Board of Elections Official Results may be viewed here (,%202019/(3)%20Election%20Results/Franklin-Only-Summary-with-groups.pdf).
A final blog post on this topic will follow the recount. Stay tuned.
* Provisional ballots cast on election day and absentee ballots not received by election day, but mailed prior to election day and received within ten days of election day, were counted as part of the “Official Results.”