Baby boomlet & Baby Boomers: Worthington Demographics, 2000-2015
Dear Reader, in anticipation of the upcoming Community Visioning Process, I’ll be sharing with you in coming days several charts that illustrate key facts about life in Worthington. In the Demographics chart above, we see an example of the internal change in our community that I referenced in yesterday’s post. There is much talk nowadays about our city’s aging population, and while this is true (see above, Baby Boomers, those born ≈ 1946-64), we are also simultaneously experiencing a bit of a baby boomlet, coinciding with the influx of Millennials (those born ≈ 1981-96). It’s those in the middle, the Gen-Xers (those born ≈ 1965-80), where we are seeing the largest relative decline. So there really is a generational change underway, with large numbers of young families mirroring the large numbers of those soon-to-retire, or already retired. Our visioning process will certainly explore this important facet of our community life, and help us to creatively understand its implications.