What happened at City Council last week? What passed? How did the vote go? etc. Reports now available online…
An informed and engaged citizenry is the basis of sound public policy. In Worthington, being informed has just gotten easier. Beginning with the June 5th City Council meeting, you can now find post-meeting reports online. https://www.worthington.org/Archive.aspx?AMID=61
These reports will provide a concise summary of decisions and actions taken at the Council meeting, and will identify how each of your Council Members voted on the issues. The inclusion of this voting record was essential to me. While Council seeks consensus and compromise, the reality is that each member brings a different perspective and set of commitments to their public service, and it is vital that you, the public, knows where each Member stands on the issues that matter most to you.
If you check out the June 5th Report, and have critiques or feedback as to format and content, please let me know. Improvements can always be made. Thanks!