Recycle your yard signs

Recycling yard signs: You can take them directly to the SWACO event (below), or anyone in Worthington can drop off their signs/wires at my home, 195 E Dublin Granville Rd (on the Plymouth Rd side, in the gravel parking area), by Saturday morning at 10 a.m. I will be taking all collected signs to the SWACO event at the Bill McDonald Athletic Complex in North Columbus. The event is free and open to any resident or campaign in Franklin County.
All paper and plastic signs, including coroplast, and metal sign stands will be accepted free-of-charge. Materials collected will be recycled.
Election Yard Sign Recycling Event
Saturday, November 7, 2020
8 am to 12 noon
Bill McDonald Athletic Complex
4990 Olentangy River Rd., Columbus, OH 43214